Nurse Meg’s NCLEX Study Program
How to Study & Pass the NCLEX Easily the First time!
This is how every Nurse
should prepare to
It's no secret you started this nursing journey because you want to do more. To help more than you were able to before and that sweaty palm energy is kicking your test anxiety up a notch...
Nurses aren’t failing the NCLEX—the NCLEX (& nursing schools) are failing nurses!
No one teaches you how to study. Or share test-taking strategies.
And they definitely don’t tell you how to study with test anxiety.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes & learned many things the hard way. I don’t want you to ride that same struggle bus.
Ready to feel prepared for the NCLEX—not overwhelmed by it?
@nursemegrn For anyone who wants a better way to pass the NCLEX #nursesteachnurses #nursehacks #nurses #nurse #murse #malenurse #nursingschool #nursegraduation #nursepinning #nurseinternship #newgradprogram #teachontiktok #learnontiktok #bsn #lpn #rn #registerednurse ♬ original sound - Nurse Meg RN
This is the NCLEX study guide for you, if:
- tests have never been your jam #TestAnxiety
- other study guides (like UWorld) just don’t seem to be enough
- you just want someone to tell you What To Do to pass the NCLEX
- it’s been a whole year since you graduated and need some content review
- you’re ready to beam with pride when you see the 2 little letters on your name badge
This course is packed with valuable information! Take a look for yourself—
When you buy this NCLEX Study Guide, you get…
- A Daily Study Schedule to follow for 30-40 days (Exactly what to do minute by minute everyday)
- Videos & Printouts (for each step of your NCLEX journey)
- NCLEX Content Lectures (Pharmacology, Basic Care & Comfort, Health Promotion & Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity, & Physiological Adaptation)
- Best Ways to Conquer Your Test Anxiety
- Colorful Study Guides to Review all Nursing School Content (with graphics and memorization tips!)
- Weekly Group Zoom calls with me! (this is where you get tutoring & I teach strategy LIVE on screen)
- Guidance on Your Nursing Journey after the NCLEX (yes—there’s life after the NCLEX!)
@nursemegrn Over 1000 nurses made 💪🏻 The testimonials speak for themselves. #nclexprep ♬ Girl Dont do It, I Did It - Aurora
Registered Nurse, Nurse Educator,
Study Coach, & Mentor.
I have been a nurse for more than a decade. I have experience in the ER, Med-Surg, Pre-Op, PCU, CVICU, Step-Down, Nursing Homes, Rehab Center, and More!
Over the years, I have developed a passion for teaching nursing students and new nurses.
I strongly believe there is a knowledge gap between nursing school and REAL LIFE!
I am here to fill that gap with my free resources and online courses.
Less Struggle | More Confidence | Higher Pass Rates

I am here to help nurses and students SUCCEED in their healthcare journey.

With the help of this Ultimate NCLEX Prep Course you’ll—
- Learn how to study for the NCLEX—so you…
- Ace the NCLEX with ease (& get those 2 little letters on your name badge)
- Use tips for dealing with Test Anxiety—so you get grounded during the NCLEX
- Stop feeling nervous about taking the NCLEX
- Discover things about yourself by taking the NCLEX
- Not stress over what you may not know & learn to use what you do know so you pass the NCLEX
- Hear what all nursing students need to hear—but didn’t—so you feel supported throughout the studying & test-taking process